Amsterdam School for Imagery

Training courses, therapy & coaching

Everything we do in life is driven by the image of it. The inner world of images is the field of our drives, opportunities & obstacles and especially of our vital life resources.
With imagining you have the key to the art of living by putting your images and visions into practice with dedication.

Read Imagery in Therapy, Counselling and Coaching by Jan Taal.

Jan Taal introduces imagery. 5:47 min.

Since 1985

Amsterdam School for Imagery

How imagination and visual thinking work, its dynamics and its applications in coaching, therapy and human development is the specialism of the School.

The imagination has the ability to create something from nothing,
from a source that is, as it were, ‘the child of itself’,
from the principle of life that resides in each of us.

Strengthen yourself

A free online imagery tool, with which you can step by step create your own image of the self-reinforcement you need in times of uncertainty or crisis and also advise you how to apply it in your daily life.

Strengthen yourself

A free online imagery tool, with which you can step by step create your own image of the self-reinforcement you need in times of uncertainty or fear and also advise you how to apply it in your daily life.

Strengthening resilience in cases of cancer, chronic illness and crisis.

Imagery toolbox

The imagination is a domain where our inner resources are located. Resources we can draw from to strengthen ourselves. Everyone possesses this self-reinforcing ability.
The Imagery Toolbox contains high-quality ‘tools’ for this. These are simple exercises, suggestions and materials to start using your imagination, for strengthening your capacity and resilience in difficult times and for recovery.


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